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Planning Board Minutes 03/04/2004
(603) 798-4350

MARCH 4, 2004

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Dave Colbert, Brad Towle, Fred Chagnon, Stan Brehm and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of February 5, 2004. Brad Towle and Fred Chagnon will be voting members tonight.

The following items to be changed in the February 5, 2004 minutes: Page 2 under Zoning Violation Penalty, add two zeros after the $100. and make the capital “A” in and lower case. Under Public Hearing for Chris & Tina Drew second line change “mortified” to “modified”

Motion was made to accept the February 5, 2004 minutes with the changes.
                Towle/ Stamowlaros                      (Passed)


Master Plan Committee Members:  Chairman Brandon Giuda, Tracy Scott, Tom Jameson, Fred Ruoff, Lee-Ann Valotto, Walter Sanborn, Steve MacCleery & Tom Wainwright.

The Board and general public commended the Committee for their efforts and completion of the project, the hours put into the Plan and the computations of  all the returned questionnaires.

The Board feels however that it has not had ample time to review the new Plan and would like to have a meeting with the Committee, Selectmen, and Department Heads to review the Plan and answer the many questions the Board and Department Heads have.  The Board is in agreement that there being no urgency to get the document finalized this Public Hearing would be continued to April 1, 2004. Draft copies of the Plan will be made available to the general public for review.

PUBLIC HEARING: Don Talbot/Russell Nelson Property
        Site Review – New Business
        Window and Door Sales
        Map 3, Lot 17, Dover Road
Abutters present:  Margaret Barrar


Mr. Talbot presented the Board with plans of the New Building and business.

The Board had asked for the following items be on the plan at the last meeting: wetlands, watercourses, soil types and location of the sign.  

The sign location is on the plan but the wetlands, watercourses and soil types are not. The locust map has the soil types but that does not show the Board the location of each soil type and where it exists for the project.

A letter from the owner stating this project is acceptable needs to be produced for the Board.

The existing building is within the State right-of-way because the State took land to upgrade Route 4, therefore the existing building can be used for this new business. Mr. Talbot will call the secretary when he is ready to continue.

        Map 8, Lot 50 Suncook Valley Road

Continued from January 8, 2004, Mr. Sargent is still working with the State on the driveway location and has nothing new for the Board. Continued to April.

DISCUSSION:     James Mobbs
        Lot Line Adjustment
        Map 2, Lots 53 & 55, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Noyes presented the Board with plans for a lot line adjustment, Mr. Mobbs has a barn that is located on the lot line and would like to move the lot line to have the barn on the property with the house. The Board was in agreement that he was not creating any new substandard lots and the purpose was acceptable for the lot line adjustment. Mr. Noyes will contact the secretary to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Jim Bond
        Additional Business
        Map 9, Lot 109, Suncook Valley Road

He would like to include his daughters business as a massage therapist at his barbershop.  The board was in agreement that it would be a new business and would need to go through site review. Mr. Bond will call the secretary if he is going to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Barry Frank/Concord Motor Sport property
        Site Review – New Business
        Driving Range, Mini Golf, Small Restaurant
        Map 4, Lot 165, Dover Road
Did not attend, no action taken.


Present: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Dave Colbert, Brad Towle, Fred Chagnon, Stan Brehm and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Motion was made by Dave Colbert and seconded by Joanna McIntosh to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (d) at 8:45pm to discuss personal property information. All were in favor. Motion passed. Non-public session commenced.

No votes were taken.            

Motion was made by Dave Colbert and seconded by Mike Stamowlaros to come out of non-public session at 9:15pm. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3,II (d), was made by Dave Colbert and seconded by Mike Stamowlaros. All were in favor. Motion passed. The minutes of the non-public session are sealed.

Mr. & Mrs. Talbot have returned to ask a few more questions. The Board made it clear to Mr. Talbot that the existing building is grandfathered. They also explained that the tractor trailer trucks need to be able to get off of Route 4 and they need handicapped access available. They need the soil types on the plan itself. If they feel that there is no wetland to be concerned with then it may be wise for them to get a soil scientist to prove the soil maps incorrect. They will still need to have all the items the Board requested on the plan whether or not they build the new building.

Stan would like someone to take over for him on the Conservation Commission.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Colbert/                                (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott